Google Maps

Startseite/Google Maps
Google Maps2018-09-19T00:36:45+02:00

Google Map Shortcode

Avada has inte­gra­tion for Google Maps. We have a dedi­cated con­tact page tem­plate with map inte­gra­tion that allows you to set many dif­fe­rent map options via our theme options panel. In addi­tion, we have a google map short­code that can be used on any page or post, or widget sec­tion. We include intui­tive options that allow you to use the default google map styles, or cus­to­mize the options to fit your bran­ding style. Avada also lets you select mul­tiple map loca­tions on a single map, each with its own con­tent. Select 4 map types, dis­play a color overlay, upload a custom map marker, cus­to­mize the map popup box along with many other unique options.

Avada’s Google Map Inte­gra­tion Is Incredibly Cool

Choose From Four Dif­fe­rent Google Map Types

Google Map Roadmap

Google Map Satellite

Google Map Hybrid

Google Map Terrain

Easily Cus­to­mize Map Styles, Info Box Colors & Content!

Default Google Styling

The default map style gives you the exact sty­ling that comes from Google Maps. This includes all the map colo­ring, the info box styles and map marker. This is the classic Google Maps styling!

Theme Map Styling

We have added a custom theme sty­ling that is unique to the Avada theme. When using this sty­ling, the map color overlay, map marker and info box will be auto­ma­ti­cally set with our unique settings!

Custom Map Styling

The custom map style allows you to use any uploaded image or icon as a custom map marker. As well as any overlay color, infobox back­ground and text color. This is per­fect for bran­ding your site!

Full Size Control

The Google Maps short­code and theme option inte­gra­tion allows you to take full con­trol over the width and height of the map. Use fixed widths or per­cen­tages. This comes in handy when pla­cing maps on pages that need to fit per­fectly in unique layouts.

Powerful Map Controls

Avada allows you to con­trol several aspects of the map. Set the zoom level on the map, show or hide the map scale, allow the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out or to be dis­abled when used, show or hide the pan con­trol icon and choose to show or hide hte map popup when the page loads. Ama­zing options at your fin­ger­tips, super powerful!

Join The 70,000+ Satis­fied Avada Users!